“Your Mindset is Just The Beginning “

Your mindset is the beginning of all creation.  Numerous articles have been written on the topic of “How To Reset Your Mindset.”  What I find is that some fail to mention the importance of our beliefs.  The things we believe are the constructs that will need to be replaced before any real change can happen.


There is a famous quote that says. “your dreams don’t work unless you do,” but one key factor is missing, the mindset.

We can dream all day long, work hard, and apply all the skills that we’ve learned, but if your mindset does not change success won’t happen.  What will happen is you’ll spend long hours trying to do everything you know to do and still come up empty-handed.

Your bank account will be in the negative. Unhappiness and feelings of disappointment about your lack of success will lead to loneliness and despair. If you don’t change your mindset first, friends and family will begin to doubt you and negativity will become your constant companion.

Do you see the pattern? I’m not talking about temporarily changing your mindset. This reboot has to be a permanent change. A practice that you are so intentional about, nothing is allowed to get in your way.

Begin the Practice

Your first step is to pick up a pen and notebook and begin writing all the ways you have failed recently.  This includes your commitments to friends, family, and coworkers.


 (F.A.I.L. Forever Acquiring New Learning)

What negative thoughts do you have about each area of your life?  How can you reframe that thought to make it more positive?  What positive steps (action) will you take right now to change things?

This includes self-talk; you must speak life into yourself before it becomes a belief. Trust me; I know this little exercise seems simple; however, it is more complicated than you can imagine.  What will happen is all sorts of creative pathways will begin to open up.

Your attention will shift to the positive things you desire, and your actions will start to follow. Our mindsets are not a fixed thing, and only through conscious living can, we begin to achieve our greatest success.

Peace and Blessings Coach Billie C. 

Ready for a real mindset change schedule your appointment now.