In this world of easy access knowing the difference between counseling and coaching is essential to getting the proper help.  Mrs. Sylvia Parron, MFT, Marriage and Family Therapist, gave insight into setting boundaries in our relationships without destroying ourselves and those we love.

Have you ever wondered what to look for in a therapist or if you needed one? Do you feel like you have given your life away to people who don’t respect or appreciate you? We discussed these topics and more.

One of my biggest takeaways was that “I am 100% responsible for myself.” No one else.  It’s not our parents, spouse, friends, or children’s fault.

Vulnerability, self-control, and confidence come with learning who we are and learning to trust ourselves.

Sylvia is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with more than a decade of experience working with individuals and families. She knows the systems and processes it takes to heal from trauma. Sylvia believes that by living an open and honest life, you can go through difficult times and not crumble. As a therapist, she desires to help her clients grow, prosper, and be prepared for the next great thing in life.

“Never want more for someone than they want for themselves.” – Sylvia Parron, MFT.

Free E-Book  A More Joyful You

Mental Health Hotlines:

NAMI 1-800-950-6264 (NAMI)

MHA 1-8—273-8255 (TALK)

Disclaimer: Coach Billie Crutcher and the guest have provided shows and resources for educational and self-help purposes. Agencies provided are for personal use and are not endorsed by the host or guest.