
Our Happy Coaches & Clients

Phyllis Williams

Since 2013, I have attended either a workshop, webinar or completed one-on-one coaching sessions with Coach Billie. As a result, I have seen three results from Coach Billie’s influence and impact; courageous actions, a change in self-dialogue, and better interpersonal skills. I have gone from timid to tenacious over the last 7 years. More importantly, I am now walking in my purpose of helping other women also. Coach Billie C is a safe place, a joyful spirit, and an astute professional. I highly recommend her to anyone who is willing to do the work.

Coach Billie will help you identify the areas you need to develop to progress in your life. Equipped with that insight, she offers education to empower you to “do your work” and then encourages you through the process. The workshop I attended brought so much clarity to things I’ve struggled with for years! The education portion was jam-packed with tools that were immediately applicable. Even the discussion segments provided rich insight and enrichment to the workshop. Coach Billie has a special heart and mission to help us ladies find the healing and power we need to fulfill the unique purposes to which we have each been called. Enjoy the journey!

Tobie Williams, Team Leader Life Leadership

Coach Billie was that ray of hope that I needed and her words were life to me! Since then, I have been doing some great things that stemmed from the seed that she planted. Not only have I been continuing to walk in my healing, but I now share hope with other women who are in that same dark place that I was in. Being connected to this community and Coach Billie has been truly rewarding for me and I know that once you get connected to this community, you will feel the same way. Join us and get started on your journey of change!

Sylvia G. Parron MA, MFT-intern, RBT, QIDP

Coach Billie’s enthusiasm and positivity is infectious! You can’t help but come away from her workshop feeling excited and ready to move into your best life. I’m a coach too, and I consider Coach Billie C among the best. I look to her to keep me moving forward in my own work. A+++!

Connie Koprowicz, Life Recovery Coach, Growing Your Beautiful Life

My life has dramatically changed as a result of my engagement in several events sponsored by Coach Billie Crutcher. There was a point in my life where my boundaries were either blurred or non-existent. I gained an understanding of boundaries and their importance in relationships, familial, personal, and professional. I’ve transformed my life and relationships with principles learned from Coach Billie. I live an empowered life and empower others as well! This transformation has required me to see the ugly of what I hid for years. The process wasn’t easy, but certainly necessary for me to become ME, beautifully flawed, and gracefully aligned!

Laura P. Shepard, MSW, LCSW

Coach Billie brought out some things that I did and did not know or realize about myself that have been a roadblock in some areas of my success and life. She provided great tools in combating those issues to help change my mindset. I recommend her because she is very knowledgeable, experienced, and passionate about helping people overcome obstacles and becoming their very best.

Valerie Selby, Salon Owner and Stylist

Praise for Billie Crutcher!

“I wear many hats. Some of those hats are worn at the same time, while there are times when only one hat at a time is most appropriate. I burn candles at both ends, down the middle – even down to the last drop of wax. I lead, I follow and I strive to be a better me. That striving part is where Billie Crutcher came in. Billie worked tirelessly to create a community of women like me who had untapped potential, who were out here trying to make a “go” of things and those who just needed to find their way. Her weekly meet-ups were packed full of encouragement, accountability, and support that I still apply to my life today. Friendships and bonds were formed during those meet-ups that still last to this day. Billie is an excellent coach, friend, and mentor, all rolled into one dynamic and passionate personality that exemplifies her unique spirit of resilience. I am so very thankful for all that Billie has deposited into my success walk.”

D. Renee Gibbs, Educator, Entrepreneur, Ministry Leader