Five Steps to Making Positive Changes and Feeling Good about It!


1. ACKNOWLEDGE! Sure everyone says this because it’s the truth.  You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.  So whatever the issue or problems is you need to recognize it, acknowledge it, then you can begin solving it.

So take a few minutes to sit down and think about the WHAT; then acknowledge that it does exist.

2. NAME IT! You have acknowledged that there is something you want to change.  Give that thing a name; weight loss quest, career success, green-eyed giant of envy, or whatever.  Put a name and face to it.

3. TOUCH IT! Get in touch with your feelings. How does it make you feel? How long have you felt this way about the issue? Now label it if it makes you sad that’s OK.  Mad or Glad you must ACKNOWLEDGE (there’s that pesky word again); that you feel that way before you can really begin to make the change.

4. SEE IT! Look at how the issue has affected your life. It must have been negative because you want to change it.  Ask yourself – What’s the best thing that will come out of this change? How will that make me feel about myself? Why do I want this change?

5. STEP TO IT! Now that you’re more aware you can begin working on your new plan. Brainstorm or create a chart with the ideas you have been dying to try.  Write down how wonderful you will feel once you make the positive change.

What effect will it have on your life?  A fun activity to do right now is to create a “VISION BOARD”



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