3 F’s of Coaching and Entrepreneurship


 Your fear of failure stops you from following through with projects and plans.  You often find yourself thinking things like; What if I fail?  What will I do if I don’t succeed? Well, I will ask  ”  WHAT IF YOU ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU SET OUT TO DO?”   

I would say more on this topic, but I recently gave a  masterclass which you can access for free at the link below.


You are in emotional and mental bondage to the, ” everyone else is already doing that syndrome.” NO, THEY ARE NOT! Not the way you can.  You often stop yourself from taking that next step, thus creating your personal prison. Frequently you make excuses and find reasons why you can’t do anything; unfortunately, this type of thinking creates a silent prison of bondage, which leads to faulty beliefs, perceptions, and ideas that stifle your freedom. 

Just imagine if  Thomas Edison and his predecessors had stopped at the original lightbulb, where would we be now? Answer: In the dark. Creation is like this; it evolves. Similar to how one person sees another person’s product, but he thinks of a way to improve it, to advance it for the betterment of everyone else.  That’s how all ideas are. They are sparked from the creations of others. 

Besides many of you aren’t even maximizing the so-called freedom you have. Instead, you opt to treat your “freedom” as a novelty toy. Playing with it at will and ignoring all the times it’s allowed you to excel. Other times you check out of freedom to watch television, sit through useless webinars, shop, or surf the internet. This is counterproductive behavior and puts limits on your freedom. Why don’t you stop making excuses and take action on the things you already know. This is what real freedom does for you.  It allows you to become more of who you are created to be.


 The Big F. You don’t have the revenue because you aren’t producing the needed programs, products, or processes.  Yes, I said it, and now it’s floating out there in the universe — the truth. Finance is simply the management of currency we use to purchase something or invest in building wealth and financial stability.  Commonly referred to as MONEY.  

Your attitude towards money is holding you back from achieving your ultimate goal. For every financial excuse, there is a productive way to grow your finances and maximize the money you currently have.  Change your mindset. 


The 3 F’s of Failure ultimately cause stagnation and lead you to become stuck. You are stuck like a duck in mud, unable to move or fly away. 

You can change this right now.  Decide to turn failure to success, freedom to unlimited power, and finance to wealth.  

Watch FB Video F.O.F. Fear of Failure