It’s Peace Up In This Camp, Get Some!

Hi all, well since I got such a great response from this simple little line, that is the full truth and nothing but the truth.  I thought I would share.

I drove around for more than 8 years with this plate on my car.  Why?  Because I knew if I continued to call on the Lord and ask for Peace even though I couldn’t see it HE was constructing it in my life.  He was clearing the path and strengthening me in areas that I needed to be built up in, so that when Peace came I could enjoy it and share it with others.

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Philippians 4:6-7  do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Can you tell I use to worry! All the time then  I realized that if I trusted Jesus like I claimed I did, then I best to live by Faith and not sight, suck it up and lean hard into HIM, because HE wasn’t gonna leave us poor or begging for bread…see I was in the midst of many transitions at that time.

Anyway Peace is what came and in that Peace I knew and know I am loved.  I do my best to express and share this love with others.  When people come to my home or even get in my car they feel Peace.  Folks fall asleep on my sofa, chair or wherever they may sit, they don’t want to go home.  When I do workshops people don’t want to leave they want to stay, sit a while and just experience this Peace.  I will share a little secret with you, this makes me SMILE deep from my HEART you know why?  Come in a little close while I whisper this in your ear…”because they just Spent a little time with JESUS”…did you feel that I know your smiling cause I am.

Peace and Blessing be with you,


PS:  If you must know, I took the plate off because I now have a new mission INSPIRE, so the new plate says INSPIRE, hope, faith and change…ummmm GET THOSE!