I woke up this morning thinking, “What is a powerful story I could share?” Well, this is the one that came to mind, the famous story of The Tortoise and the HareRecently at a Toastmasters Meeting, a fellow Toastmaster read a favorite children’s story and shared that as we change and grow our perspectives on the story often changes as well.

I found this to be true as I was able to identify with the Hare; as I have been the Hare at different times in my life.  Here are a few lessons I learned from this famous fable.

Lesson # 1: Sometimes we take too long to make decisions.

Sure the Hare did not think out his plan clearly, but he acted, he saw his opportunity, and he acted.  The lesson learned is just this, though he probably had many failures he learned a valuable lesson that would take him through life.

You can’t get anywhere if you’re still sitting at the starting line.

Lesson #2: It’s ok to make mistakes they only make you more aware.

The Hare learned to be more persistent and that being the fastest does not always equate to being the winner.

Persistence always wins as it helps you to build muscle.

Lesson #3:  Competition is not always between you and someone else.

As we saw for the Hare, his only competitor was himself and his thinking.  Our limited beliefs, his being “I am the fastest so I can lie around and take a nap” this idea was his downfall.

Some of us think this way as well; I am the best, strongest, etc. So I don’t need to learn more, do more or expend extra energy to accomplish the next task. 

As they say, this will result in an EPIC FAIL!

Lesson #4: Slow and Steady does win the race.

The Tortoise was a perfect example of this, even in the face of sure defeat he persisted.  He kept going and never looked back.

Persistence will take you’re further than worry, boasting, or fear any day.

Lesson # 5: Don’t worry about the guy next to you, just run your race.  You already won it in your mind! That’s where it all begins.

If you can see it, you can achieve it!

There are many other lessons I took away from this story, but these were the ones that stuck out.  I hope you found them useful as well as entertaining and remember to DO IT AFRAID!

Peace & Blessings,

Coach Billie