Grandma’s Quilt

Weighted blankets are useful for reducing anxiety. Do you remember when you were little and your mother or grandmother would put her heaviest quilt on top of you at bedtime? Do you remember how safe it felt? How warm and well you slept even though at times you would wake up sweating?  You still woke up feeling loved.

Even now, as an adult, I love a great big comfortable fuzzy blanket. Have you seen those throws that are all over the store some of them they don’t cost very much, but they’re soft and comfy, and when you put them on you feel loved, warm, and cozy?


There is a science behind all of this statistic show the 76% of adults slept better with a weighted blanket. They also reported that they experience less anxiety. Why is this important because even if you don’t have a particular disability or emotional disorder, there are things that you can do to live better.

This practice is beneficial and easy to implement in your daily life. Blanketing helps relieve stress and makes you feel a little bit happier. I use a heavy quilt on my bed at night and yes I sleep with the ceiling fan on too.  The fan helps keep me cool at night. However, I love my heavy duvet and my warm heavy blankets.

In our home, we keep throws all over the house and when people come to visit,  guess what they do; they grab a throw and cover-up. Not always because they’re cold, sometimes they just want to feel warm, comfortable too.

This practice is like hugging your nervous system from the outside. Blanketing can lower your blood pressure, and it releases feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. See even our neurotransmitters enjoy a good hug.

Reducing Anxiety During Meditation


Blankets or light shawls are sometimes used during meditation. I currently have a  daily challenge “15 minutes of Silence” going on (it ends Sept 15th ) and have recommended that those who experience anxiety during the silencing process try wrapping themselves in their favorite throw or blanket.  It helps them to feel more secure and the heavier the cover, the more solid the grounding (anchoring oneself to the present, thus returning mental focus to the present ).  Try this technique and let me know how it works for you.

If you are already practicing it share details in the comments. One thing I know for sure everyone likes a good blanket.

Peace & Stress Relief Coach Billie C.