Show Description:

Multi-Passionate women and entrepreneurs explore what it takes to have more happiness today. Right now, at this moment, imagine how that would look and feel in your life. How do you get there? Join the discussion with Billie Crutcher, fondly known as Coach Billie C., as she equips you to increase your personal power, live with more joy, and abundance as you change the narrative of your life. The tips and techniques that will be shared are research-based, tested, and they work. What this show does is equip you to change your mindset, reduce stress, and leads you to be more intentional about the way you live. Your host delivers a no-nonsense approach to living well. There are no shortcuts, and the way to get through it is to do it! So join Coach Billie C and let’s get down to business. Trust me; you just might be surprised.

What You Will Learn:

– Strategies to Improve your Life and Business
– Practices for Stress Reduction
– Empowerment to aid in Well-Being
– Alignment of Life Purpose, Passion, and Personal Goals
– Faith Practices to enhance Spiritual Connection
– Strength Practices to Build Self Confidence
– How to Have Fun!

The show is biweekly with special guest appearances. Hit subscribe, share, and most of all, enjoy the show. The way we grow is through word-of-mouth, so I appreciate every share. Leave a comment and let me know how I’m doing and what you would like to hear more of. Remember, this is a positivity zone. So, leave all the negativity at the front door. See you Inside the Happy Mind.

Show Mission: Our mission is to inspire, equip, and empower multi-passionate women and entrepreneurs to increase personal power, live with more joy, and rewrite the narrative of their lives. Through the incorporation core principles in faith, happiness, and personal development, they will strengthen their mindset and attain the freedom to win in life.

Show Host Bio:
Billie Crutcher is a Board Certified Life Coach, innovator, and speaker who has motivated numerous people to realize their dreams and take action to accomplish their goals. She is the founder of Inspirational Strength, a personal development company that hosts online courses, seminars, and private learning sessions for people who are ready to make positive changes and take action on their purpose. As a former educator, Billie has recreated herself as a specialist in the field of personal development. She understands what it takes to make lasting change happen.

Coach Billie C also holds a B.A. in Psychology, is a Stress Management Specialist, Board Certified Life Coach, and success
champion. She uses her skills daily to help others ignite their passions and live life bigger than they’ve ever dreamed of.

Connect Coach Billie C.


Instagram: @coachbilliec

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